Locate your role below and click 'Register'

VFC Providers
VFC Picture
This access is for
healthcare providers
who use the Vaccine
Order Management
System (VOMS)
to track vaccines in
the state of Indiana.


Examples: VFC
Providers, COVID-19
providers, Hospitals,
and clinics who use
public vaccines.
Non-VFC Providers
workplace safety card
This access is for
healthcare providers
who are not
participating in the
VFC program.


Examples: Pharmacies,
Non-VFC Providers,
Specialty Practices,
Nursing Homes,
and Dental Offices.
Basic Access
IN Basic Access
This access is for
those who do not
fall into the other
two categories,
but who want
information on
CHIRP, vaccines,
and vaccine
preventable diseases.

Examples: Students,
School Nurses, and
those who do not
fall into either
provider category.